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April 2024: The influenza.info domain name is now available for acquisition.

Influenza.info is the natural place on the Internet for information about influenza. Whether you are looking for a vaccine or viral drug, or just plain info about how to cope with this very common disease, this is the most appropriate location on the Web.

The domain is on the Internet since 2001 (same owner) and has a great potential, not just because influenza is one of the most common and widespread diseases in the world, but also because of the emergence of new forms of influenza, such as the avian and swine influenza. If an influenza pandemic should become a reality (most experts believe it's not a matter of if, but of when) the market value of this domain could steeply rise.

Besides, the word "influenza" is one of the few words that can be used in all major languages as it is, untranslated. It's a truly international word, immediately recognized by people of all nations.

Influenza.info is great asset particularly for pharmaceutical and biotech companies and in general for any organization operating in the Influenza Antiviral and Vaccine Markets.

In you are interested in this domain please feel free to contact us: [email protected]

For information about the transaction process please check here:

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